• All the necessary yoga equipment you will need is provided.  We recommend each student have their own mat and mats are available for purchase at the center.

  • Wear flexible clothing that is not too baggy, but lets you move and feel comfortable.

  • The Arkansas Yoga and Therapy Center offers a range of classes in VariYoga, Tai Chi, and other disciplines. All are part of our safe, accessible, sustainable, adaptable = S.A.S.A. practices. Please visit our Class Descriptions page to see details about the various classes.

  • To achieve results, we recommend a practice of 2 times a week or more. A consistent practice will help you look better, feel better, experience more physical energy and mental clarity. 

  • Try not to eat for at least an hour prior to your class.

  • For the comfort of others, please do not wear perfume or essential oils to class. Do use deodorant.

  • Please arrive at least 15 minutes before class time so you don’t feel rushed. There is no access to class through side doors. Please use front doors only.

  • Drink plenty of water before and after class. Help yourself to the filtered water at the center.

  • Please silence your cell phone while you are in the studio.

  • In order to make your class an enjoyable and safe experience, please let your instructors know of any health concerns or injuries.

  • Set aside your daily responsibilities and focus on being present for your class.

  • You are welcome to attend any of our Gentle or Level 1-2 VariYoga classes or Beginning Tai Chi. Please let the instructor know you are pregnant.

  • One Size Does NOT Fit All, everyone is different. Your goal is to enjoy your class and do what is best for YOU. Don’t compare yourself to others.

  • No question is too trivial, so feel free to ask for clarification when needed.



Please email us with any questions at yogalady@aryoga.com or call AYC at 479-521-YOGA (9642)